
Communication Preferences

Unitholders can elect to receive documents relating to their unitholding electronically or in paper copy.  These documents include distribution and tax statements, the Trust’s annual report, notices of meeting (together with documents relating to unitholder meetings and resolutions to be considered) and this notice.

You can make this election for a specified class of documents or for all of these documents.

To do this, simply go to http://www.investorcentre.com/au and follow the prompts, or contact Computershare using the details set out below.

To contact Computershare you will need your Security Reference Number (SRN) or your Holder Identification Number (HIN) and your postcode.  Both numbers are on your Issuer Sponsored/CHESS statements.

Even if you have already made an election, you can still change your election and request to receive particular documents relating to your unitholding electronically or in paper copy.

Important information relating to notices of meeting and annual reports

Notices of meeting
As a registered managed investment scheme, the Trust is not required to hold an annual general meeting.

Following changes to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) made in February 2022, the Trust will issue notices of general meetings electronically where a unitholder has provided a valid email address and has not made an election to receive a paper copy.

If you have currently elected to receive paper copies of notices of meeting and would prefer to receive them electronically you can update your preferences at http://www.computershare.com.au/easyupdate/CDP or contact Computershare (using the details set out below). Alternatively, if you wish to receive paper copies of notices of meeting, you can also update your preferences using the same process.

Annual reports
Unitholders can also elect not to receive an annual report. If you choose not to receive an annual report, you can access it on our website at https://www.carindalepropertytrust.com.au.

Computershare contact information 

Australia: 1300 730 458
International: (+61 3) 9946 4471

Australia: (03) 9473 2500
International: (+61 3) 9473 2500


Get in contact with Computershare: http://www.investorcentre.com/contact

Postal address
The Registrar
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
GPO Box 2975

Office address
Level 30
85 Castlereagh St