
Terms of Use

We update our site as often as is practicable, but information can change rapidly and no member of the Scentre Group guarantees its accuracy at any time. We are not liable for any loss incurred from relying on this site, including from data corruption on download. Information on our site is not financial advice – you should obtain advice before making any decision based on information on the site.

By accessing this site you agree to these terms, and acknowledge reading them.

We do not take responsibility for sites of other organisations, whether or not linked, or any device used to access or view our site.

The Scentre Group site has been prepared under Australian law. Nothing in it constitutes an offer of securities, or an invitation to subscribe for securities, enter into any legal agreement or exercise any rights in relation to the offering of any financial product, or amount to a solicitation for any business.

No one guarantees the performance of Scentre Group (ASX: SCG), Scentre Group Limited, Scentre Group Trust 1, Scentre Group Trust 2 and Scentre Group Trust 1, or the Carindale Property Trust, the repayment of capital or any particular rate of capital or income return. Amounts are in Australian dollars unless specified otherwise.

Scentre Limited, ACN 000 317 279, publishes this site unless specified otherwise. You may not modify it. Contact us if you want to reproduce any content or link to our site.

© Scentre Limited. All rights reserved.

Notice to future and current Scentre retailers

  • If you wish to lease premises in a Westfield Australian or New Zealand Centre, you should contact the relevant Scentre leasing executive whose contact details appear on this site. Nothing on this site constitutes an offer to lease premises.
  • Each particular of information contained on this site is provided in good faith. However, you should not rely on any of them as a statement or representation of fact and you must satisfy yourself as to the correctness of each particular.
  • The information contained on this site is illustrative only and does not constitute any offer, warranty or representation as to the design, proposed make-up, profitability, style, layout or appearance of any of the Westfield Centres featured on the site. The respective owners of the Westfield Centres, at their sole discretion, reserve the right to vary any Westfield Centre or redevelopment plans referred to on this site.
  • You are strongly recommended to obtain your own legal, business and financial advice in relation to your involvement in any Scentre Centre. You should not act on any information supplied to you on this site without first obtaining that advice and speaking to a Scentre leasing executive. Neither Scentre Limited, the respective owners of the Scentre Centres nor any of their related bodies corporate will be liable or otherwise responsible for any loss or damage (whether from any negligence or otherwise) suffered as a result of any decision that you may make to act on the information contained in this site.